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Psychology software
Specialists in computer based teaching aids for English language, early learning and dyslexia since 1986.
Portable programs - phonics software on a usb drive for you to take anywhere:
On our site you will find details of the comprehensive range of computer assisted teaching aids we have produced over the years. The majority of our commercial titles have been aimed at helping pupils with English Language and simple essays https://prime-essay.net/ (primarily those with learning difficulties but also those learning English as a second language.)
Please stay for a while, look around and even try out a few of our programs as you go.
All programs may be ordered by schools on a 14 day trial basis - click here for details.
Latest update: February 2012: Downloadable demo version of Sounds & Rhymes - please visit the Sounds & Rhymes page
January 2012 - Network version of the Multistroop program released...
March 2010: Downloadable demo version of Punctuate Plus now available here.
February 2010 - USB Phonics Toolbox released...